Wednesday, February 18, 2009

What's in a name?

Last night we unveiled our new name and logo: City Night Church

The Bible Talks has a long and proud history of faithfully preaching God's word. It's a history that we want to continue.

But as we've been thinking about what city ministry looks like and how we can best use our location and the opportunities that gives us to reach the city, we've wanted to have a name and logo that helps to focus our attention on who we are and what we are doing.

We're a church - a gathering of God's people, gathered by his word, to sit under his word and learn from it.
We're a church in the city - the great city of Sydney, deepest darkest Sydney, that desperately needs to hear the gospel of Jesus Christ, and by the Holy Spirit be moved to repentance and faith.
We're a church in the city that meets at night - we gather outside in the square for coffee from 6pm and at 6.30 at night we kick off inside.


We want to glorify God as we reach the city with the gospel of Jesus Christ.

And we'd love you to join us!

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