Thursday, February 26, 2009

Prayer Points from the Gillham family

February 2009
Dear Friends and Supporters,

Yes, we are still here in downtown Windhoek. We are sorry that we have dropped off the communication highway a little. It has been a mixture of moving house, starting the academic year and computer issues. Thanks to our great God and your faithful prayers we have come through it all still smiling and happy to be serving God here in Namibia.

Starting an academic year is a very busy time for an academic dean/full-time lecturer. But after many long days and even more meetings, NETS is underway with 9 first-year students and 25 full-time residential students overall. In a really exciting new development we have started classes on one evening (called nets@night) and we have an extra 20 new part-time students already in this program!

The Married Rooms
We have come up with a short-term solution to the problem of students leaving their wives and children in the village while they study at NETS. For so many reasons it is better to have the families together, so we designed a way of fitting a small family into a room designed for 2 single people. It is still very small and involves sharing a bathroom and a kitchen, but there are five families who are now able to live together instead of being separated during study. Please join us and them in thanking God for the generosity of our supporters which enabled these renovations to happen.

We love Computers!!??
Well ... we do love the fact that computers enable us to stay in touch very easily. However when a virus leads to a full hard drive wipe (the week NETS started) ... it doesn't make us smile!! Our reason for sharing is that we lost an almost-finished DVD made especially for you. Please bear with us as we attempt to get back the original footage - or pull out the video camera all over again.

Our First Namibian Christmas
One advantage Australian missionaries have over so many others is that we don't spend Christmas wilting and moaning "This can't possibly be Christmas, it is too HOT". So with the first hurdle out of the way, we went looking for Christmas food. We managed to find a whole turkey!! All the ingredients for Margie's family peach salad (YUM), and on Christmas Eve ... some cranberry sauce!! We were thoroughly spoilt with gifts that came over with Simon's Mum, Auntie and our friends the Pattersons. After church we cooked a Christmas meal and shared a lovely day with Pastor Spencer and Tindiree (our Pastor and his wife) and our friends from Zimbabwe - David, Florence, Loretta and Kundi Matsveru.

Growth Groups
One of our first activities for the new NETS year was having Simon's new Growth Group over for a meal. Simon tried to impress with his newfound 'Namibian Braai' skills. Our new home has a great Braai in our outdoor area, but we also have a good old Aussie-style gas BBQ.

Classes at NETS
This semester Simon is teaching Old Testament Survey, Biblical Theology and Study Skills to first years as well as Systematic Theology, Preaching and Death and Dying to the older years. Margie is really enjoying teaching at NETS. Two weeks in marking and grading is particularly challenging, but the classroom is fun. The students seem to be enjoying themselves, and even learning!!

Our contact details:
Post: c/- NETS, P.O. Box 158, Windhoek, Namibia
Phone (mobile): +264 81 365 2020
Skype: gillhams.os

Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Women's Evangelistic Prayer Meeting - Thursday 26 February 2009

A quick reminder that some of the women from City Night Church will be gathering together on Thursday morning at 8am at Cafe Rush (263 Clarence St, Sydney) to pray for our non-Christian friends, family and work colleagues, asking that our gracious Father might give us opportunities to talk with them about Jesus and that we may have the joy of seeing them brought from death to life as they come into relationship with him.

If you can be in the city at 8am on Thursday, we'd love to see you there. I understand that this isn't possible for everyone - no fear, you can pray wherever you are! Why not come along if you can, or otherwise spend some time on Thursday praying for your friends and family who don't yet know Jesus.

Other dates for your diary: March 26; April 30; May 28; June 25; July 30; August 27; Sept 24; Oct 29; Nov 26.

Tuesday, February 24, 2009

City Bible Studies

The City Night Church Bible studies commence tonight in Upper Chapter House (right next to the Cathedral) at 6:30pm for dinner, 7:15pm for studies.

Should be a great night. We are expecting 30 and might crack 40. We increase from 3 to 4 groups this year on Tuesday night, and expand to 5 when Simply Christianity kicks off.

Cathedral Mission Week

We are very excited to have a group of students from Moore Theological College come and join us from 29th March to 5th of April to partner with us in our ministry to the city. This will be a fantastic opportunity for us to be involved alongside the students to reach our friends, family and colleagues with the gospel.

Both Sunday nights will be suitable to invite people along to, with a gospel challenge and opportunity to respond to God's offer of forgiveness. We are planning to have an evangelistic dinner on the Tuesday night, possibly at one of the local cafes again like World Truth Night last year. We're also keen for our prayer and Bible study groups to organise smaller activities to invite people along to.

Why not consider talking the whole week as annual leave and being fully involved in all the activities in mission week? Even if you can't take the whole week off, it would be fantastic if people could take even just a day to come and join with the team. Please talk with us if you'd like some more information about how you can be involved. Please also be prayerful for the mission - that the heightened week of evangelism would see many in our city hear about Jesus. Ask also that we would preach the gospel clearly and faithfully at each and every event.

Monday, February 23, 2009

City Night Church: 1 March

This week at City Night Church we continue the series "The Work of the Holy Spirit in the Life of a Believer". Phillip Jensen will open God's Word. The topic this week is "Fruits & Gifts of the Spirit".

In preparation, it would be helpful to read these passages: Jeremiah 31:31-34 & Galatians 5. In addition, it would be a great idea to look at all the references to "Gifts + Spirit" and "fruit + Spirit" in the Bible.

This week we'll also be having a dinner together after TBT. Please bring a gold coin donation.


The SPT – The Who the What and the Why

While a brief search of the Internet reveals that the acronym 'SPT' could stand for the Strathclyde Partnership for Transport, the South Pole Telescope, the Society for Philosophy and Technology, Small Precision Tools or even Strawberry Pop-Tarts, it is none of these. The SPT is the Strategic Planning Team.

It is a group of men and women who seek to be servant leaders at the City Night Church (and to model Jesus who did not come to be served but to serve – Mark 10:45). It meets regularly to discuss, deliberate and decide on the longer-term future of the congregation and to ultimately serve the church by providing a level of financial accountability and spiritual care for the congregation as a whole.

It is not so much concerned with the day-to-day running of the church, but is more concerned with achieving our vision and implementing our strategies for achieving that vision, namely to pray, gather, follow, serve and witness.

It aims to be strategic by making deliberate calculated and appropriate decisions so that the congregation as a whole can glorify God by reaching the city (of Sydney) with the gospel of Jesus Christ.

It also spends much of its time planning things, including budgets, events, websites, calendars, and rock concerts (well, maybe not so much the last one).

And finally we are a team. We are made up of between five and eight partners along with our ministers, Mike and Mandy. We seek to discuss things as a team, to resolve things as a team, and to make decisions as a team. And although we don’t necessarily agree with each other on everything, we also seek to pray as a team.

If you would like to find out more about the SPT, feel free to ask one of the current members of the SPT: James B, Andrew C, Rachel C, Mandy C, Adam E, Fiona N, Mike T.

Sunday, February 22, 2009

City Night Church Weekend Away

The weekend away is booked. It's on Friday 24 July to Sunday 26 July. It's being held at the Collaroy Conference Centre. Simon Flinders from St Thomas' North Sydney will speak to us on Discipleship from Matthew's Gospel.

Set it aside in your diaries. This year's weekend away is just for our congregation - City Night Church. See you there.

Saturday, February 21, 2009


It's still on. Pyrmont Point Park from 11am till 3pm.

Friday, February 20, 2009

Bus Signs

A few months ago I showed you an atheistic advertising campaign on a bus. Here is the original bus campaign on the streets of London:

Well, it generated much internet buzz. A contest was run to come up with the funniest response.

Here it is:

Thursday, February 19, 2009

Get together on Saturday

This Saturday we'll be joining together for a picnic/BBQ at Pyrmont Point Park from 11am to 3pm. There are free BBQs, so feel free to bring something to pop on the BBQ or else pack a picnic fit for Yogi Bear and enjoy some good conversation, frisbee and food.

Not sure where to find it? It is at the very end of Pyrmont on Pirrama St. Check out the map below. Best parking is near the Harris St end of Pirrama St, or it is an easy walk from Town Hall Station or Harbourside Light Rail.

Kathedral Kids

City Night Church is part of a wider church family that meets at St Andrew's Cathedral. We have the privilege of teaching kids about Jesus during 10:30 am Church. It is an awesome responsibility that we ought not to take lightly. Each week there are more than 50 kids that the team looks after and teaches about Jesus while their parents are in morning church. Many people from City Night Church faithfully give of their time and themselves so that our younger brothers and sisters from morning church can be taught what it means to follow Jesus.

Why don't you spend some time in prayer now for the kids of Kathedral Kids, asking that they would grow up following Jesus. Give thanks for Liz, Sandy, Caroline, Mandy, Jen and Naomi who help out as well as Judy M who co-ordinates the whole program.

Wednesday, February 18, 2009

What's in a name?

Last night we unveiled our new name and logo: City Night Church

The Bible Talks has a long and proud history of faithfully preaching God's word. It's a history that we want to continue.

But as we've been thinking about what city ministry looks like and how we can best use our location and the opportunities that gives us to reach the city, we've wanted to have a name and logo that helps to focus our attention on who we are and what we are doing.

We're a church - a gathering of God's people, gathered by his word, to sit under his word and learn from it.
We're a church in the city - the great city of Sydney, deepest darkest Sydney, that desperately needs to hear the gospel of Jesus Christ, and by the Holy Spirit be moved to repentance and faith.
We're a church in the city that meets at night - we gather outside in the square for coffee from 6pm and at 6.30 at night we kick off inside.


We want to glorify God as we reach the city with the gospel of Jesus Christ.

And we'd love you to join us!

Cathedral Marriage Enrichment Weekend

All you married couples keep this date in your diary free: 13-14th June. The Cathedral Marriage Enrichment Weekend will commence at 9:30 am on the Saturday in the city, and conclude just after lunch on the Sunday. Saturday night will be a date night out at a city restaurant of your choosing (and your cost). You'll also stay the night in the city together and attend 10:30 church, followed by a closing talk with Phillip Jensen.

It's a great opportunity for us to work on our marriages - acknowledging some of the difficulties of marriage while actively working on our marriages for the better. You will need to make alternative arrangements for any children you have, as they are not catered for in the programme.

Here is the proposed programme:

9.30am Registration and Morning Tea
10.00am Welcome and Introduction (Chris Moroney)
10.10am Theological Foundations
– This is what Marriage is Really about?
11am Morning Tea
11.20am Understanding the Importance of Emotional Connection in a Healthy Marriage-Part A
12.30pm Lunch
1.30pm Understanding the Importance of Emotional Connection in a Healthy Marriage-Part B
2.30pm Check-in to the Hotel
3pm Family of Origin – and the impact on different stages of Marriage
4pm Afternoon Tea
4.20pm Building and Maintaining Emotional Connections in your Marriage
6.30pm Date Night

8.45am Marriage Forum – sex, money, spiritual life, children...
10am Morning Tea
10.30am Morning Church at the Cathedral
12.30pm End of Course Lunch
2pm Close

Monday, February 16, 2009

Prayer and Bible Study Groups

Tomorrow night (Tuesday 17th) is our launch night for groups for this year. This is a fantastic night to come and pray for our leaders as we commission them for the task of teaching and pastoring our groups for 2009, and as we encourage those who have not yet decided whether to commit to a group for this year that being involved in a prayer and Bible study group is just so good that they should not miss out!

We're planning to start the year with 10 groups.

City Bible Fellowship on Tuesday nights in the Upper Chapter House
6.30pm for dinner ($5 per night)
7.15-8.45pm group time
8.45-9.30pm supper

We'll have 4 groups at CBF this year:
Daniel W and Leanne V
Steve S
Grahame O
Paul and Ruth R

Simply Christianity will continue to run regularly on a Tuesday night with Mike and Mandy.

City home groups on Wednesday nights
2 groups on a Wednesday night from 7-9pm, that occasionally meet together:
Andrew and Rachel with Emma
Jeremy and Sharon

Suburban home hroups
We have 4 other groups that meet in homes around the suburbs:
Northside - James and Laetita in Greenwich
Eastside - Ben and Emma in Kensington and Nathan and Justine Jones in Coogee
Southside - James and Johanna in Mortdale

Groups will begin the week commencing Sunday 22nd February. Please prayerfully consider joining a group for the edification of both you and your group.

TBT 22 Feb

This week at TBT we continue the series "The Work of the Holy Spirit in the Life of a Believer". Phillip Jensen will open God's Word.

The topic this week is "Led by the Spirit". In preparation, it would be helpful to read these passages: Psalm 143 & Romans 8:1-17.

In addition, it would be a great idea to look at all the references to "led + Spirit", and "lead + Spirit" in the Bible.

Sunday, February 15, 2009

Evangelism and the Sovereignty of God - JI Packer

Last week Phillip mentioned the book Evangelism and the Sovereignty of God (by JI Packer) as being fantastic for explaining the relationship between God's sovereignty and human responsibility.

It is available from Moore Books for $24.95. It's a fantastic read - why not order a copy today?

Saturday, February 14, 2009

Prayer Points from the Sholl family

Prayer Points – Peter and Sarah Sholl
Mexico - 13 February 09

Hi Friends,

We have lots to be praying about in a very busy month.

· we had a wonderful commissioning at St Matthew's Ashbury. To see so many friends there supporting us was a fantastic encouragement. We were also really thankful for so many people who turned up from different 'seasons' of our life.
· we are thankful that our last weeks have gone smoothly, even though we have been so busy. The final pack up and leaving arrangements were made so much easier by the thoughtfulness and kindness of many of our friends.
· we are thankful that despite the distances we have to travel, God has provided us with good rest points along the way.

· please pray that we would settle into life and routines in Monterrey. We are looking forward to getting some 'normal' things established.
· pray that we might be able to find a suitable house quickly, and that our belongings might emerge from transit and customs at the right time.
· pray that each of the girls will find one friend who will help them at FORMUS, their new school.
· pray for Pete and Sarah's language learning - that we will apply ourselves diligently and make progress.

Thanks for your fellowship with us - we look forward to sending you news of our new life in Mexico.

Distributed by:

Church Missionary Society – New South Wales
Level 5, 51 Druitt Street Sydney 2000
ph: 9267 3711
fax: 9267 3703

Wednesday, February 11, 2009

On Facebook?

Become a fan of Phillip by clicking here.

Become an online member of TBT by clicking here.

(You must be logged in first).

Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Women in the City

March 15th is the first of our two 'Women in the City' events for this year.

Get together with your sisters in Christ on Sunday afternoon from 2-5pm to hear from God's word, enjoy afternoon tea together and pray with and for one another.

We'll spend the afternoon looking at the book of Philippians and thinking about prayer, partnership and perseverance. So pop the date in your diary and plan on coming along!

Monday, February 9, 2009

TBT 15 Feb

This week at TBT we continue the series "The Work of the Holy Spirit in the Life of a Believer". Phillip Jensen will open God's Word. The topic this week is "Sealed by the Spirit".

In preparation, it would be helpful to read these passages: Isaiah 11:1-10 & Ephesians 1:1-14. In addition, it would be a great idea to look at all the references to "sealed + Spirit" in the Bible.

Don't forget it is week 2 of the Great Bake Off! Some of the guys asked last week if this bit of friendly competition is for the women only - let me assure you it is not! So guys and gals, don your aprons and get baking during the week and bring a plate of goodies to share as we enjoy supper together after hearing from God's word.

Sunday, February 8, 2009


On Saturday 21st Feb we'll be joining together for a picnic/BBQ at Pyrmont Point Park from 11am to 3pm.

There are free BBQs, so feel free to bring something to pop on the BBQ or else pack a picnic fit for Yogi Bear and enjoy some good conversation, frisbee and food.

Not sure where to find it? It is at the very end of Pyrmont on Pirrama St. Check out the map below. Best parking is near the Harris St end of Pirrama St, or it is an easy walk from Town Hall Station or Harbourside Light Rail.

Saturday, February 7, 2009


The audio recording of Mark Dever’s talk on “The Church and Evangelism” at the Desiring God 2009 Conference for Pastors is now available.

55 minute 16MB audio file from Desiring God.

Thursday, February 5, 2009

The Great Bake Off

This week after TBT, we are having The Great Bake Off #1. Mainly as a result of Ben praising his wife Emma's wonderful baking abilities, we've decided to have a challenge.

THE GREAT BAKE OFF! Ben has boasted to us all of Emma's wonderful cooking skills, and it is now time for us to all step up to the mark and show our culinary skills as well!

This week at TBT it should be a feast as we supper together afterwards with home baked goodies. See you there.

Wednesday, February 4, 2009

Turn this to the gospel...

Further to last night, turn this article to the gospel.

US senators battling a nearly one trillion US dollar economic stimulus package are striving to find vivid ways to explain just how big that one with 12 zeroes after it really is.

On Tuesday, Republican Senator John Thune said you could ring the equator 38.9 times with $US100 bills stretched side-by-side - and showed a picture of Earth encircled in greenbacks to underline his point.

"One trillion dollars is a terrible thing to waste," he said. "We shouldn't spend money we don't have on things we don't need."

A day earlier, Senate Republican minority leader Mitch McConnell also grappled with ways to illustrate how big the $US888 billion stimulus plan - which could easily expand before a final vote - really is.

"Just to put a trillion dollars in context, if you started spending the day that Jesus was born and you spend a million dollars every single day, you still wouldn't have spent a trillion dollars. This is a lot of money," he said.

Sholls' Commissioning

On Saturday, the Sholls were commissioned as CMS missionaries. It was a great event. It was actually quite moving, although we ought not to be surprised. The Bible was opened and preached, we sang a few songs, we heard about the work God is doing in Latin America, and the Sholls were commissioned (see photo above).

Please continue to pray for them. CMS booklets and membership applications are available on the information table at church on Sunday night.

Please pray for:

* Christians in Latin America to have a hunger for God's Word, and that they'd become more like Christ as they learn.
* for Pete and Sarah's humility and prayerful dependence on God.
* for smooth transition, effective language and culture learning, and new friendships for each of the Sholls.

Tuesday, February 3, 2009

From the Dean: Sydney and a new year

The Sydney year starts in February. The long summer holidays are over with. Christmas is but a memory. The work starts in earnest and so we commence the Cathedral programme.

This year, as in every year, the Cathedral strategy remains the same.

The strategy is to prayerfully proclaim Christ to Sydney. This work has two foci: - "Building the Church" and "Reaching the City". Within the Cathedral we have many congregations that each aim at building. Not just building numerically but also building spiritually. Building into Christlike character of loving service of each other and sacrificial concern for the lost.

It is the Christlike concern for the lost that is the springboard for the Cathedral's other focus - "Reaching the City". The city of Sydney is on our doorstep in several fashions.

It is the central business district where thousands come daily. We are surrounded by thousands of people living without their families, mainly in high-rise apartments. But we are also at the very centre of a metropolis of nearly four million people scattered over a huge suburban hinterland.

But the city of Sydney is an even more complex mission field than that. People are pouring into this city from all over the world. We are one of the most multicultural cities in the world, or in the history of civilization. The reasons people are in our city are many and varied. It is the home of arts and culture, as well as finance and business. It is a major provider of education as well as remaining the seat of government for the state of New South Wales.

Religiously, Sydney has a confused history and a quickly evolving landscape.

From the days of our penal colony, Christians have had a leading role in framing our culture without ever being more than a minority amongst the community. With the present migration patterns our numerical significance has been waning since World War II. Our nominal adherents are decreasing with every census. There are now some parts of Sydney with very few Bible believers. Some alternative minority religions have been steadily growing with migration. But the real growth has occurred amongst the materialists - living for themselves in the pleasures of wealth.

Individualism and materialism have been promoted through the staggering economic growth of the second half of the twentieth century. Only rarely was it so crude as to articulate its philosophy: "greed is good". This week I read an article promoting individualism under a new word: "frending". Frending is not making friends, but dumping friends whom we no longer want or no longer suit us. It is part of the overcrowded busy lives of individualistic self-centred materialism. As the author of the article wrote: "These go against time-honoured traditions of community and society. We used to rely on our neighbours, as they depended on us, but in the age of frending, we act far more independently. The nuclear family is behind us, and we now live nuclear lifestyles." (SMH, 28 Jan 2009).

Interestingly, the next day the same paper reported on a well-being survey that showed people living in communities and connection with their neighbours were the happiest, while those in the isolation of the inner-city suburbs were the unhappiest.

We know that materialistic greed and self-centred individualism will never work, but Sydney-siders keep trying. That is because Sydney is a godless city - full of lost people desperately running away from God. As God says, "claiming to be wise they became fools" (Romans 1:22). Without God, people fill their lives with alternative gods that never satisfy. Sadly, friends, for all its beauty, peace, industry and wealth - we live in the city of the lost.

Yet in the very midst of this godless city, there is a robust strength to biblical Christianity that defies the prophets of doom who keep predicting the end of Christianity.

Each year we see the cause of Christ growing with the expansion of the city. All kinds of ethnic minorities who had little chance of hearing the gospel in their country of origin are turning to Christ. Our theological college is full. Our missionary society is sending out more workers into the world. Our conferences and conventions keep growing and expanding. And here in the Cathedral our congregations are growing in numbers and commitment to the gospel as we see people come to Christ.

God is at work in our midst. He has not yet abandoned our city. We must not abandon it either. We must persist with his strategy of prayerfully proclaiming Christ to Sydney as we seek to build the church and reach the city.

Summer Session Week 3

Summer Session continues tonight: 6:30pm for dinner, 7:15pm for the Bible teaching.

Come and think about what the city is, what the city represents, why God loves the city, and why we ought to be involved in the ministry to the city.

Upper Chapter House, 6:30 for dinner.

Monday, February 2, 2009

TBT 8 Feb

This week at TBT we continue the series "The Work of the Holy Spirit in the Life of a believer". Phillip Jensen will open God's Word. The topic this week is "Sanctified by the Spirit".

In preparation, it would be helpful to read these passages: Deut 6:1-15 & 2 Thess 2. In addition, it would be a great idea to look at all the references to "sanctified + spirit" in the Bible.