Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Cathedral Mission Week

We are very excited to have a group of students from Moore Theological College come and join us from 29th March to 5th of April to partner with us in our ministry to the city. This will be a fantastic opportunity for us to be involved alongside the students to reach our friends, family and colleagues with the gospel.

Both Sunday nights will be suitable to invite people along to, with a gospel challenge and opportunity to respond to God's offer of forgiveness. We are planning to have an evangelistic dinner on the Tuesday night, possibly at one of the local cafes again like World Truth Night last year. We're also keen for our prayer and Bible study groups to organise smaller activities to invite people along to.

Why not consider talking the whole week as annual leave and being fully involved in all the activities in mission week? Even if you can't take the whole week off, it would be fantastic if people could take even just a day to come and join with the team. Please talk with us if you'd like some more information about how you can be involved. Please also be prayerful for the mission - that the heightened week of evangelism would see many in our city hear about Jesus. Ask also that we would preach the gospel clearly and faithfully at each and every event.

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