Friday, February 29, 2008

Worship Music

See this article for a good summary of "Worship Music".

Source: Matthias Media.

Thursday, February 28, 2008

Dinner after TBT: 2nd March

Dinner will be served after The Bible Talks this Sunday night. We'll join together and share a meal.

Bring along a couple of dollars if you want to take part.

Wednesday, February 27, 2008

Cathedral Easter Convention

Just a 'heads up' about the Cathedral Easter Convention to be held at the Cathedral on Good Friday afternoon from 2-5pm. If you are going to be in Sydney for Easter, it is a great opportunity to spend the afternoon reflecting upon the significance of Jesus' death. Cost is $15 at the door ($10 concession).

Why not plan on making a day of it?
The Good Friday gathering is on at 10am, so those of us from The Bible Talks that make it in will meet together afterwards (near the glass door at the entrance to the Upper Chapter House) and then head down to Chinatown for some lunch before coming back for the Convention at 2pm.

Hope to see you there!

Tuesday, February 26, 2008

TONIGHT: City Bible Fellowship & Simply Christianity

Just a reminder that City Bible Fellowship is on tonight ...

6.30pm in the Upper Chapter House for dinner together (BYO or $5 - RSVP to Mandy: by 1pm)

Prayer & Bible Study Groups start at 7pm

It is also week two of Simply Christianity
If you want to find out what Christianity is really about, then this is the group for you. We kick off at 7pm. Please feel free to join us from 6.30pm for dinner as well.

Monday, February 25, 2008

The Two Eternal Destinies

In last night's sermon we were reminded that there are only 2 destinies that all people face: heaven or hell, eternal life or eternal condemnation, salvation or punishment as we reflected upon God's word to us. Strickingly clear was that the difference in ones eternal desiny hinges solely upon our response to the Lord Jesus.

We looked particularly at the picture of eternity presented in Mark 9:42-50 and Revelation 21:1-8

Here was some of the feedback about the sermon:
* What struck me is that the New Heaven and the New Earth are all one.
* Those that don't know the good news of Jesus desperately need to hear it, including the bad news that without him they're bound for hell eternally.
* Heaven and earth are no longer seperated since God's dwelling (heaven) is not on earth. Wow! I never got this before. How incredible to dwell on our amazing inheritance tonight.
* Everyone has a destiny.
* Heaven will be a new earth.
* Thanks for explaining the connection between Heaven and the New Creation. Awesome!
* I long for the day too.
* Struck by God and Christ actively punishing sinners.

Thursday, February 21, 2008

MTC Lecturer

Andrew Cameron, Moore College Lecturer, responds to the insane article in Monday's herald (no link, article not worthy of reading).

Read Andrew's Response here.

SMBC 'Hot Topics'

For anyone who is interested, on a Thursday night, Sydney Missionary Bible College (SMBC) is running a series of 'Hot Topics' on Biblical Wisdom for the 21st Century from 7pm-9pm. SMBC is located in Croydon.

Topics to be covered include:
Greed and Envy
Dating Unbelievers/Sex Outside Marriage
Stem Cell Research
Christians and the Sabbath

Cost is $20 per night or $15 for a group of 5 or more. Registrations are essential. More details and how to register can be found here

This week at The Bible Talks (24th Feb)

This week at The Bible Talks, we are concluding our series on Eschatology. The title is Two Eternal Destinies. The readings are: Mark 9:42-50, and Revelation 21:1-8.

Read up, think, pray, and come prepared

Wednesday, February 20, 2008


The next sermon series at The Bible Talks is on Colossians. It would be helpful to read it through, in its entirety, a couple of times. It only takes just over 10 minutes if you read it aloud. So, it won't take long, but it's also just a good thing to do.

Read it at home, or here.

Further details on the Colossians sermon series to follow shortly.

TBT Comments: 17 Feb 08

Here are some comments from the sermon at TBT on Sunday.

** Excellent. Summation for me would be to live in light of eternity - always!
** Thank you! Have been much encouraged by the teaching on last times and also the music over the last couple of weeks I've been coming. Well done!
** Thank you for a further reminder to put Jesus first above everything else and to seek his kingdom.
** 'Deeds provide the outward evidence of the reality of our faith'
Helpful reminder that our faith must be alive and bearing fruit.
** Thanks Rob for clear explanation of the place of Christians in the judgement
** Come Lord Jesus, come.
** The call to: 'constant watchfulness, perpetual radiance'
** Great sermon. Good series. Thanks
** Reminded to build so work survives.
** Great sermon Rob. This is very relevant to us all and we need to be reminded of this regularly. I did not know 'saints' will assist in judgement.
** Rob, thank you for clarifying 'deed' and 'belief in Christ'. Both are necessary for us, but forgiveness for our sins is only thru faith in Jesus.

Tuesday, February 19, 2008

TBT Dinner

On Sunday, I announced TBT would have dinner together. I said it was this week. It's not. Silly me. It's the 2nd March.

Monday, February 18, 2008

Bible Study Leaders Meeting

Reminder to Bible Study leaders: It's on tonight.

Reminder to everyone else: Please pray for your TBT Bible Study Leaders.

Sunday, February 17, 2008

TBT Tonight

Dont forget TBT tonight at St Andrew's Cathedral. The topic is "The Final Judgement", and the readings are: Matthew 25:31-46, and 1 Corinthians 3:10-17.

Read up, think, pray, and come prepared.

Friday, February 15, 2008

Last Minute Reminder

Friday Social Activity: Music By Moonlight

Join us this Friday for an evening of African, Latin and Caribbean music.

From 7pm – music starts @ 8pm


BYO Picnic dinner & a blanket to sit on

Where: The Overflow @ Sydney Olympic Park.

Catch the train to Olympic Park Station, or drive out and park at the site for $15

Thursday, February 14, 2008

Bible Study Lauch

We held our Bible Study Launch on Tuesday night, where I gave a talk on what to expect as part of a TBT Bible Study group. Here are the main points/highlights.

1. Expect to Encourage Each Other.

ESV Hebrews 10:24-25 And let us consider how to stir up one another to love and good works, not neglecting to meet together, as is the habit of some, but encouraging one another, and all the more as you see the Day drawing near.

It’s where we encourage one another. It’s where we say to each other. Keep it up. Keep following Christ. Keep on the narrow road. Look to Jesus. How can I help you this week, as you help me this week to remain Christian. Now you can’t encourage one another if we don’t meet together.

2. Expect to Bear with One Another

It’s where we share with one another our fears and burdens. It’s where we care with one another about our hopes, joys and aspirations.

ESV Colossians 3:12-13 Put on then, as God's chosen ones, holy and beloved, compassion, kindness, humility, meekness, and patience, bearing with one another and, if one has a complaint against another, forgiving each other; as the Lord has forgiven you, so you also must forgive.

3. Expect Prayer

Expect prayer. Expect to pray for one another. That means we need to open up to each other. And share our concerns. Share with each other how you are going. What you find difficult in the Christian life. What you find a joy in the Christian life.
Now some of us might not be married, and others of us might be married to non-Christians, so these relationship could and should be some of the most intimate relationships we have as Christians.

4. Expect Bible Study

Expect a bible study. We don’t study Christian books; we don’t study the latest thing. We study the bible. We are on about Jesus, not some Christian authors take on it.

Why do we study the bible? Because the bible is the word of God. It is spoken by God.

ESV 2 Timothy 3:16-17 All Scripture is breathed out by God and profitable for teaching, for reproof, for correction, and for training in righteousness, that the man of God may be competent, equipped for every good work.

That is, when we come to study the bible we ought to expect those four things in verse 16 to occur.
· Expect to be taught about salvation, and God and Jesus, and the gospel, and how to live life in response.
· Expect to be reproofed, or rebuked. Expect to be told to get back on track. When we do wrong, we must be rebuked. We are, after all, disciples of Jesus. We don’t do as we please, because we’ve been bought by another.
· Expect to be corrected. That is, we will have wrong thoughts about salvation and God and Jesus and the gospel, and when we study the bible, we will be corrected in our thinking and in our lives.
· Expect to be trained in righteousness. That is, shown/modeled/exampled how to live righteously.

5. Expect Hard Work

Now it won’t be easy, because we are swimming upstream. You’ll have spent the day at work, and you wont feel like going to Bible study. The easy option is just to go home and put your feet up. You may even think that you learn nothing new at bible study. You might be a well grounded Christian, and you’ve heard it all before.

That’s when you are primed for a fall. There is never a time when we think like that. There is never a time when we can say, I’ve heard it before. Too often we want to be taught something new, or it to be worded in such a way that it sounds new. But, when we meet together, we are to remind ourselves of the gospel.

ESV 2 Peter 1:12-13 Therefore I intend always to remind you of these qualities, though you know them and are established in the truth that you have. I think it right, as long as I am in this body, to stir you up by way of reminder,

Did you see that Peter reminds his readers of these things, despite in verse 12; they know and are established in the truth.

Wednesday, February 13, 2008

Phil Miles

Phil Miles, from CMS, will be at The Bible Talks on Sunday March 9 at the usual time of 6:30pm. Phil along with his wife Lyn, are some of TBT's link missionaries. The Miles served the Lord Jesus in Japan, with a particular emphasis on student ministry.

Plan to attend to encourage him and pray for the work of the gospel.

Friday Social Activity: Music By Moonlight

Join us this Friday for an evening of African, Latin and Caribbean music.

From 7pm – music starts @ 8pm


BYO Picnic dinner & a blanket to sit on

Where: The Overflow @ Sydney Olympic Park.

Catch the train to Olympic Park Station, or drive out and park at the site for $15

Monday, February 11, 2008

This week at The Bible Talks (10 Feb 08)

Last night at church we reflected upon the resurrection of the dead with Rob Smith.

Here are some things that struck people from the sermon:

+ Resurrection is very black & white!
+ Resurrection affects all people and we need to keep in mind the people around us who are not Christians
+ not to fear death as a Christian
+ good reminder that there will be the resurrection (& jment). We've got to tell people about Jesus!
+ I was struck by the continuity but also transformation in the resurrection. I found that very clear.
+ Great to remember that the Resurrection motivates and encourages us now.
+ A great reminder that the intermediate state is temporary.
+ we are being constantly changed as we trust. And the ongoing change being shaped for the glorious times to come.
+ Most Christians have a ‘not today’ way of thinking when it comes to Christs return – yet scripture repeats the warning to be ready!
+ The striking thing for me at least is the practical outworking of 1 Co 15:58 – a ps of thanks to our great God and Saviour.
+ no second chance after death

Let continue to pray that we will be challenged and changed by God's word

Bible Study Launch Dinner

Don't forget that tomorrow night - Tuesday 12th February is the launch dinner for Bible Studies for 2008.

From 6.30pm-9pm we’ll be meeting together in the Upper Chapter House to share a meal together, hear a talk from Mike about the value of Prayer and Bible Study Groups, meet our group leaders for the year ahead, and have the opportunity to sign up for a group. The cost is just $10 for the dinner and we’d love it if you could come along. Even if you are not sure about joining a group, come along and check it out – you might be convinced of why it is a good idea!

Please let me know ASAP if you are able to make it at

Music by Moonlight

Join us on Friday 15 February 2008 for an evening of African, Latin and Caribeen music.

From 7pm – music starts @ 8pm
BYO Picnic dinner & a blanket to sit on
The Overflow @ Sydney Olympic Park
Catch the train to Olympic Park Station, or drive out and park at the site for $15

Welcome to The Bible Talks Blogspot

Who Are we?

The Bible Talks is the 6.30pm congregation at St Andrew's Cathedral.

Our hope at The Bible Talks is that together we might grow and be equipped to serve the Lord Jesus in the city of Sydney