Monday, February 16, 2009

Prayer and Bible Study Groups

Tomorrow night (Tuesday 17th) is our launch night for groups for this year. This is a fantastic night to come and pray for our leaders as we commission them for the task of teaching and pastoring our groups for 2009, and as we encourage those who have not yet decided whether to commit to a group for this year that being involved in a prayer and Bible study group is just so good that they should not miss out!

We're planning to start the year with 10 groups.

City Bible Fellowship on Tuesday nights in the Upper Chapter House
6.30pm for dinner ($5 per night)
7.15-8.45pm group time
8.45-9.30pm supper

We'll have 4 groups at CBF this year:
Daniel W and Leanne V
Steve S
Grahame O
Paul and Ruth R

Simply Christianity will continue to run regularly on a Tuesday night with Mike and Mandy.

City home groups on Wednesday nights
2 groups on a Wednesday night from 7-9pm, that occasionally meet together:
Andrew and Rachel with Emma
Jeremy and Sharon

Suburban home hroups
We have 4 other groups that meet in homes around the suburbs:
Northside - James and Laetita in Greenwich
Eastside - Ben and Emma in Kensington and Nathan and Justine Jones in Coogee
Southside - James and Johanna in Mortdale

Groups will begin the week commencing Sunday 22nd February. Please prayerfully consider joining a group for the edification of both you and your group.

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