Tuesday, May 6, 2008

A new blog

This is worth reading!

A blog that is self consciously designed to be:

* thoughtful (offering a considered, crafted piece of writing rather than a dashed-off and/or rabid paragraph in reaction to the latest thing)

* non-trivial (wouldn't feature pictures of the dog, or what the author saw at the movies last night)

* Bible-driven (in other words, it kept “What does the Bible say?” as the foundational question)

* unashamedly Reformed and Evangelical (didn't apologize for or seek to move on from classic Reformed Evangelical theology)

* ministry-hearted (focused me back on evangelism, people and the daily work of ministering God's word to others)

* proactive (didn't just react to the latest controversy, fad or someone else's blog, but drew me back to what was important)

* godly (in the way it dealt with issues, and in the way discussion and comments were handled)

* of a consistently high standard in all of the above!

Check it out.

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