Tuesday, March 17, 2009

Being talked about

Our change of name was being talked about over here.

I've been really encouraged over the last few weeks at the number of visitors we've had, who have not just come once, but have kept coming back. What are your thoughts? How is City Night Church doing?


Anonymous said...

I'm loving it too... Looking back at what was going on in my head during TBTX and looking at church now, I'm glad God is in control of it all! And really it is a joy to be serving Christ in the city.

Anonymous said...

I guess reading comments like that gives me the impression that virtually everyone in Sydney Anglican Land has an opinion on what happens at the Cathedral. I believe it is fantastic that a great number of extra people are coming along to CNC, I am wondering that being one of the Cathedral Congregations has mean we have a permanent spot on centre stage in the terms of how other Christians outside the Cathedral see us.

Daily said...

i heard a quote once that the only thing worse than being talked about is not being talked about.

Not sure if that's true, but i think the change has been great.

Mandy said...

Anon - I think you are right in terms of the profile that being one of the Cathedral congregations gives us, and the criticisms and opinions that come from that. I don't know that it can be avoided, but I think all the more for reminding us that we do everything we do for the audience of one.