Friday, March 6, 2009

News and Prayer Points from the Sholls

God provides

God has provided generously for us in more ways than we can name. We feel strongly supported by many peoples prayers so we thought we’d share some of the answers.

๏The flights were smooth and uneventful - individual TV screens are fantastic.

๏We were well loved and refreshed in Atlanta.

๏David took us straight to our own furnished house, close to parks, shops and 10min to Formus (the girls school).

๏A university student, Aleli has come three times to be a language helper for the girls - we’ve learnt our numbers up to 100.

๏We’ve rented a permanent house that we’ll move into in about two weeks. We saw a good house with a garden, but God provided a house with much better inside spaces, 5 minutes from Formus, and close to a creek with a long bike track. Pete saw the house as he drove past, stopped to write down the details, and the neighbour offered to show it to him. Two days later we signed the contract.

๏David and Claudia have been helping us every day with a huge variety of jobs.

๏We’ve visited Formus. The teachers have made a class project of getting the children to think of ways to help Karina and Lucy and are looking forward to them coming. We now have complete uniforms, text books etc. Karina and Lucy will start on Monday 2nd. Miriam on Wed at Kindergarten.

๏We’ve identified the type of car that is a good deal, but need to wait for one to become available. We've been leant a car for the next week (or two!)

Please pray

๏ Pray for the girls as they start school, that the experience of Spanish won’t be too daunting and that they will each make a good friend.
๏ Pray for Pete as he starts an intense time at language school.
๏ Pray that Sarah will be able to find a suitable language helper.
๏Pray for energy as we face many new things each day, and these do wear us out!

Peter and Sarah Sholl | Brisas, Monterrey |

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