Monday, July 13, 2009

True Spirituality

Great sermon last night by Phillip Jensen on True Spirituality: Manifesting the Spirit, from 1 Cor 12:1-13.

The gifts of the Spirit really are different to the way the rest of the world (and Christians) think.

Remember, gifts are for the common good (1 Cor 12:7).

A summary of last night.

1. Spirituality is something to be well informed about.
2. The real mark of the Spirit is that Jesus is our Lord.
3. Our varied gifts/service/activity all come from the triune God.
4. The Spirit is shown by each using our gifts for the common good, for all Christians are Spirit baptised into one body.
5. It is by our loving service of each other that the members are seen as Christ's and that the Spirit is demonstrated.

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