Thursday, June 4, 2009

Deuteronomy 4

A chapter a day means you get through the whole book of Deuteronomy in just over a month.

Today, in our reading of Deuteronomy together, we are reading Deuteronomy 4. Click to read here. Or read in your own Bible.

Comments and questions to ponder:
* In Deuteronomy 4, the historical reflection gives way to exhortation: see verse 1. In the light of their collective experience thus far (as illustrated in Deut 1:6-3:29), Moses now spells out to the new generation of Israel the fundamental importance of obeying such a God as Yahweh in the Promised Land. Not only does their future in the land depend upon such obedience, but so also does the fulfilment of their responsibility as Yahweh’s chosen people in relation to the surrounding nations.
* In verses 5-8, what allusions do you see? (Gen 12:1-3)
* What are the two major motivations for obeying the covenant that Yahweh is just about to make with Israel? (Verses 1-4 and 5-8.)
* What would you say is the main theme for this chapter?
* What strikes you from this passage?
* This marks the end of Moses’ first of three speeches in the book of Deuteronomy. The next speech begins with the Ten Commandments. Why stop the first speech here?
* What aspect of God's character does Moses remind Israel of in verses 3-4? (See Numbers 25:1-9.) And in verses 10-14?

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