Tuesday, May 26, 2009

Band Names

On Sunday night we had our first all male band lead the music. And what a great job they did! Mike challenged us to come up with a name for the band.

Here are some of the suggestions from Sunday night:
* Good Night Band
* Band of Brothers
* Mike and the Rockers (because we all know Mike wants to be leading the singing)
* No Girl Germs
* The Chapter Boys
* Back Church Boys
* Old Boys On The Block
* Old Men On The Block

Anyone else have some ideas? What is your favourite?


Sunday, May 24, 2009

Women's Evangelistic Prayer Meeting - Thursday 28th May 2009

A quick reminder that some of the women from City Night Church will be gathering together on Thursday morning at 8am at Cafe Rush (263 Clarence St, Sydney) to pray for our non-Christian friends, family and work colleagues, asking that our gracious Father might give us opportunities to talk with them about Jesus and that we may have the joy of seeing them brought from death to life as they come into relationship with him.

If you can be in the city at 8am on Thursday, we'd love to see you there. I understand that this isn't possible for everyone - no fear, you can pray wherever you are! Why not come along if you can, or otherwise spend some time on Thursday praying for your friends and family who don't yet know Jesus.

Other dates for your diary: June 25, July 30, August 27, Sept 24, Oct 29, Nov 26.

Thursday, May 21, 2009

Wise words from John Piper

Over here Tim Challies blogs about the refocus conference, including his notes from John Piper's sermon on new birth. This quote from Piper stood out for me in particular:

"The longer I live the less optimistic I am that I will end without sin and the more grateful I become for the blood of Christ imputed to me. As I grow older I do not feel myself becoming gloriously holy but I find myself feeling great love for the gospel."

May we all grow, like Piper, in a greater love for the gospel!

Saturday, May 9, 2009

Baptised by the Spirit

It was either last week or the week before that someone on a comment card asked what being baptised by the Spirit means. Phillip answers the question here.

phillipjensen.com has a lot of great material that is updated regularly. I highly recommend it!

Friday, May 8, 2009

Men's Breakfast

Men's breaky is on Saturday May 30. 8am, followed by a working bee at the Cathedral. Both are optional. Sign up here.

Wednesday, May 6, 2009

Mother's Day

Last week in From the Dean, Phillip wrote about the opportunities that Mother's Day brings to invite our mums and/or children along to church.

I've been thinking and praying for the last few weeks about how to invite my unbelieving Mum and Dad along, who will be down from Queensland. In God's kindness, I didn't even get to invite them before Mum asked whether they could come along to morning church with me this Sunday. What a fantastic, yet (to be completely honest) unexpected, answer to prayer!

Have you invited your Mum or your children to come to church on Sunday? Why not give it a go? They might just surprise you and say yes!

Phillip will be preaching evangelistically at morning church at 10.30am, and Chris Nicholls will be preaching evangelistically at City Night Church at 6.30pm. Let's pray that lots of mums do come along and hear God's word taught.

Living Christianly

Jonathan Dodson has some great tips on living Christianly and connecting with the people around us.

Sometimes the task of reaching the city with the gospel of Jesus can be overwhelming! Where to start, what to do? His tips remind us to make the most of the opportunities we already have, to connect with the people around us and deepen those relationships.

And pray. Pray and ask that we'd have a real love for those who don't know Jesus. Pray that our gracious Father would be changing us to be more and more like his Son as he works through his spirit to bring us to obedience. Pray that we'd be living Christian lives so that people can see the difference that Jesus is making in our life. Pray that we'd have opportunities to speak of Jesus and all that he has done.

Tuesday, May 5, 2009

Marriage Enrichment

For all married and engaged couples of the Cathedral, here is the online booking form.


Monday, May 4, 2009

Simply Christianity

On Tuesday May 19 we commence our 5-week Simply Christianity course.
The group will start at 7.15pm in the Upper Chapter House (enter via Bathurst St gate). You are also welcome to join us for dinner from 6.30pm (for a small charge of $5).
Simply Christianity is a great way of helping people to find out about Jesus.

Weekend Away: 24-26 July

Easy options for sign up to to the weekend away. Just fill in the details here.
