Monday, December 15, 2008

The Bible Talks Vision

We've spent a lot of time thinking and praying this year about who we are at The Bible Talks and what we are trying to do. On Thursday 4th December we launched our new vision and strategies. If you have been looking closely, you'll notice that our new vision has been on the Sunday outlines for the last two weeks.

So what is our vision?

To glorify God by reaching the city with the gospel of Jesus Christ.

How are we going to, under God, try and achieve that vision?


Pray: for an outpouring of God's Spirit to serve him better and save the lost.

Gather: to be equipped for service. Teach, rebuke, correct and train in righteousness.

Follow: to be disciples of the Lord Jesus.

Serve: to love as Christ loved and served us.

Witness: Proclaim Christ in our city by preaching the gospel.

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