Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Cathedral Cross Training Term 1 2010

The Cathedral Cross Training for Term 1 2010 has been finalised.

It begins Wednesday 10 Feb for 6 weeks, between 7pm and 9pm.

At 7pm, everyone will join together for a Question and Answer session with Phillip Jensen, on a hot issue. Sometimes Phillip will present a paper, other times he'll begin with some provoking questions.

Then at 7:45pm, we'll break up into Strand Time. This term we are offering 4 Strands, and you graduate up through the strands. Once you have completed Strand 1 (this term), next term you can attend Strand 2, etc.

The strands on offer are:
Strand 1: Two Ways to Live and One-2-One Ministry
Strand 2: Bible Study Leadership.
Strand 3: Theology of Ministry

The one exception is our PTC Strand. This is the option to do a Moore College Preliminary Theological Certificate subject over 10 weeks. This term we have the option of studying Old Testament 1 or Doctrine 1. Both subjects are on offer.

The dates are: Feb 17, 24, Mar 3, 10, 17, 24, 31,
April - none (revision and Catch-up time)
May 5, 12, 19 and and exam on May 26.

It will run from 6pm till 7:15, except where these dates coincide with Strands 1, 2 and 3 above where we'll finish our PTC study by 7 and join with Phillip's Question and Answer session until 7:45pm.

The cost for this strand is listed below. This is due to the course material and the exam.

Standard $80
Concession $50

Husband and Wife $ 125
Husband and Wife Concession $65

If you have any quesions, please speak or email Mike.

Sign up here.

Monday, January 25, 2010

Shola! News and prayer points from the Sholl's

Shola - Issue 12 Dec 2009/Jan 2010

News from Peter, Sarah, Karina, Lucy and Miriam in Monterrey, Mexico

MOCLAM update
๏ With increasing Spanish, Pete has been able to take up some MOCLAM teaching opportunities. In February he’ll begin teaching ‘Creación de la nueva creación’ to the Men’s Bible study group at our church, as well as meeting with two individuals to work through the material.
๏ Between Christmas and New Year Pete manned a MOCLAM stall at Urbana09, the InterVaristy (IFES-USA) missions conference in St Louis, USA. With 20,000 participants (mainly students) it was a good time for meeting people interested in theological education in the Spanish speaking world.
๏ This isn’t really MOCLAM work, but the kids club Pete runs while Sarah does Bible study has been a hoot! (and the
kids love it too)

Please Pray
๏ Thanks for the gift of Jesus.
๏ Thanks for the friendships that God has blessed us with here.
๏ Thanks for the generous love and support from Australia.
๏ Thanks for a good and restful holiday for Sarah and the girls.
๏ Thanks for more students who want to study MOCLAM courses with Pete.
๏ Pray for more people to know why Jesus is worth celebrating.
๏ Pray for perseverance and diligence as Pete and Sarah approach the end of intensive language learning (the process will continue for many years, but with less hours of formal tutoring).
๏ Pray for greater competency in communicating in Spanish.
๏ Pray for Pete as he prepares to teach Introduction to the Bible to the Men’s group and a smaller group in Spanish.

Bible Verse
For even the Son of Man did not come to be served, but to serve, and to give his life as a ransom for many. Mark 10:45

For more details and lots of photos of the last few months, go to http://www.cms.org.au/get-involved/subscribe and get regular email updates from the Sholl Family

Friday, January 22, 2010

Update from the Gillham Family in Namibia

January 2010 Edition

Madelon and Noah went back to school this morning, Simon has already started at N ET S and today I start lesson preparations, but first let me fill you in a little on life since we last talked.

God saw all that he had made
and it was very good

W e w ere blessed in December with a visit from 4 gorgeous friends
from home. Simon finished work for 2009 2 hours before they arrived,
and the next day w e headed off on a holiday together. T he ultimate
destination w as Victoria Falls, but as with any African holiday, there were many adventures to be had along the w ay.

We had to be back from our African adventure by m id December so that Simon could speak at a church leadership conference for the African Methodist Episcopal(A M E) Church in the south of Namibia. T he Conference was an enthusiastic gathering of clergy and church leaders from Namibia, South Africa and Angola. In the Namibian A M E there are a few pastors who have completed the N ET S lower level Certificate program by distance, the rest have had almost no formal training at all. A s a result of this time spent together the A M E church has enrolled its first full-tim e student at N ET S for this coming year, and others have enrolled in Distance program s

T he A M E church is like so m any other denominations and church groups in Namibia, w here thousands of believers are led by m en and women who are not trained, equipped or encouraged well for the vital ministries they fulfill. Please pray that God would use N ET S to bring blessing to his church, as her leaders are trained, equipped and encouraged for ministry.

Thank you and Blessings for 2010

Thank you to all of you w ho sent Christmas letters/ cards/ greetings and parcels. W e received 10 cards this w eek – it is good to make the festive season last longer! W e really do feel well supported/ cared for and prayed for as w e continue in the Namibian part of our partnership. We thank you for your continued prayer and support for 2010 and pray that God will bless you and all that you do this year

• The election cam e and went without violence or unrest. Politics here are very interesting, complicated and so different from Australia. Please pray that Namibia would be a truly free and democratic country.
• The NETS Accreditation inspection seemed to go w ell, but now w e wait for the government body to w rite and send their report. Please continue to pray that NETS would be granted accreditation soon.
• NETS has employed 5 new staff members. Three in the Distance Ed department (One is a 2009 NETS graduate Tuhafeni Hailonga). Please pray for these people as they are trained up, that they will fit in well to the NETS community and train leaders for the future
• The student numbers for 2010 are looking good. T here are still people applying, please pray that all the admin gets done on time
• Simon is teaching new subjects again this year. Aside from his Academic Dean work, he will be teaching Church History, Preaching, and Biblical Theology.
• The new NETS Library is finished and the books have been moved in. T he official opening will be 23rd April. Books have been arriving from allover the world, keeping David –our librarian- very busy. Praise God for the financial support that has made this building and resourcing possible, and pray that it will be a blessing for NETS students and pastors throughout Namibia.
• Staff are returning to NETS this w eek. Simon will be conducting a staff training and development workshop from 25th -29th. This is a new initiative which with God’s blessing will keep the staff keen to continually improve their teaching skills

Simon, Margie, Maddie and Noah

To get regular updates from the Gillham family, go to http://www.cms.org.au/get-involved/subscribe and subscribe.

Monday, January 18, 2010

Thursday, January 14, 2010

9 Marks Journal

Need some light reading on the danger of liberalism.

Here is 60 pages on that very subject. A good read.

Source: 9Marks and Mark Dever.

Wednesday, January 13, 2010

Link Missionary of the Month: Sholls

Our link missionaries Peter and Sarah Sholl have now been in Mexico for 10 months.

We are partnering with them in the work of the Gospel as they help take the gospel via the Moore College Correspondence course to South and Latin America.

Today would be a great day to email them, encouraging them in the work of the gospel, and letting them know that you are praying for them.

Their email address is here: petesholl@gmail.com or you can find them on Facebook.

Monday, January 11, 2010

Rare Praise

Rare praise for The Trellis and the Vine.

Challies, one of the biggest Christian web sites say it will be the best book of 2010.

Summer Series Bible Studies Begin Tuesday 12th January

City Night Church Bible Studies for 2010 commence tomorrow night.

We'll spend 4 weeks looking at the book of Titus together.

Where? Upper Chapter House (entry via Bathurst St ... NOT the glass door)
When? Tuesday 12th and 19th Jan and Tuesday 2nd and 9th Feb
What time? 7pm - 8.30pm
What do I bring? A Bible (if you can) and a pen. Study booklets will be provided.

Whether or not you have been involved in prayer and Bible study groups before, why not come along tomorrow night and study God's word with some like minded people.

Over the next 4 weeks there will also be opportunities to sign up for our regular groups for the rest of the year that meet on Tuesdays and Thursdays in the city, in city lounge rooms and suburban lounge rooms.